
We listened

internet url with some copy space

When we make changes to the website, and the magazine, we operate with our ears open. Here are the highlights

Regular users of noticed a change to the site this week, and I’m excited to share details of the change with you today.

At the beginning of the year, I emphasized that when we make changes to the site, and the magazine, we would operate with our ears open, accepting feedback directly and analyzing data on site usage. We have done that with these revisions. Here are the highlights.

First, you’ll notice that we have revised the top navigation to focus on our premium services — data, research, awards, events and subscriptions. Questions, and site analysis, told us that users need to find these products more easily, and this new map does that, we believe.

Next, you’ll see that our second navigation is now more robust. Each main section is focused on an area that has seen significant traffic and engagement throughout the year. Further, you can also find new sections, such as ESG Clarity, and relevant award and event information underneath each of these sections. 

Finally, we know you all want access to our data and special projects. Advisers on the move is always a popular search term, and you can now find it at the top right of the home page, as well as in the News & Analysis dropdown on the main navigation. And you will see our Awards and Events prominently placed at the top of the page. Keep telling us what you need, and we will keep making every InvestmentNews product the best it can be.

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