

Displaying 21886 results


Bill Gross chooses to load up on futures, generates big losses

Fund suffered several big swings during the first six months of this year.


Fidelity launches two more zero-fee funds

One fund will track an index of large-cap companies and the other an index of midsize and small firms.


9 lessons from the global financial crisis

A decade later, consequential lessons have yet to be internalized.


Inaccurate info from Social Security Administration a challenge for widows

Stresses of losing spouse include steep decline in household income for many, according to a survey.


Tax Reform 2.0 adds to momentum for open MEPs

New bill eases rules around open multiple-employer plans by allowing more employers to band together to offer a common retirement plan.


Raymond James nabs $203 million team from Morgan Stanley

Raymond James is coming off several strong quarters of adviser recruiting.


InvestmentNews debuts impact investing documentary at the UN

Financial advisers learn how to talk with clients about the subject, with women and millennials showing the most interest.


Captrust adds $427 million hybrid RIA

Morton Wealth Management is Captrust's 30th deal since 2006.


Merrill Lynch takes two avenues with annuity commissions

Policy effectively creates a dual approach for Merrill's 17,000-plus advisers.


How to keep your 401(k) clients out of court

The organizations getting sued over retirement plans are low-hanging fruit.


Claiming Social Security early has lasting impact on survivors

Rushing to take benefits in response to illness may not be the best move.


Ohio National, a big variable annuity provider, exits the annuity business

Ohio National cited the regulatory climate and sustained low interest rates as reasons why it was going to stop selling annuities.


Active fixed-income management makes sense now more than ever

Passive strategies and fixed-income benchmarks exclude a significant portion of the investible market, hindering diversification and performance.


How to adapt efficiently to industry trends

The first step is to decide which innovations your firm will embrace.


Trump administration hypocrisy on retirement security

The president is trying to expand access to workplace retirement savings, but has acted contrary to this goal in the past.


House Republicans hit pause button on tax-reform legislation

Fears of antagonizing voters ahead of mid-term elections prompts GOP lawmakers to reconsider vote on bill.


Open MEPs would be game-changer for 401(k) advisers

Advisers could leverage these retirement plans to reduce cost, administration and fiduciary liability for clients, and eventually use them as a branding opportunity.


Drawing down assets from a portfolio need not be tough

But asset managers and insurers are shortchanging viable solutions.


The case for clean shares in retirement plans

They demystify how DC plans work, but resistance remains strong.


Ideal curriculum for financial planning students

Here's a mashup of university program directors' ideas for which courses would best prepare next-gen financial advisers.