

Displaying 21886 results


Few colleges offer a financial planning program

Greater visibility of profession is needed for universities to commit.


HSAs functioning more as 401(k)s

The tax-advantaged health savings accounts can be a useful way to salt away money.


Trump to issue executive order to expand retirement savings rules for small businesses

Labor and Treasury Departments will be asked to review areas such as multiple-employer plans and minimum distributions.


Trump touts advantages of capital gains break, but experts aren’t convinced

The president argues that the tax break would boost economic growth.


Boost Social Security Benefits: 8 Effective Strategies Revealed

As Social Security celebrates its 83rd anniversary, here are steps individuals can take to increase their benefits.


Crypto craze puts retirement savings at risk

Regulators and Congress should protect investors by slamming the door shut on efforts to bring cryptocurrency into the world of retirement savings.


Using Social Security to fund paid parental leave is not the way to go

Marco Rubio's proposed bill would increase spending.


SEC Regulation Best Interest an important step for our industry

The agency's approach allows firms to comply with new guidelines while while tailoring their practices to their own businesses and clients.


State regulators investigating more than 200 ICOs and cryptocurrency investments

NASAA's Operation Cryptosweep has resulted in 47 enforcement actions since its launch in May.


LPL lets more advisers do fiduciary 401(k) business

Strategy is an extension of efforts that began due to the DOL fiduciary rule, observers say.


Equity index put writing: A strategy for uncertain markets

This approach can help clients stay invested while limiting their exposure to volatility or downdrafts.


Former hedge funder seeks to improve ESG investing

Ethan Powell wants environmental, social and governance models to be built hand-in-hand with specific charities.


Fidelity breaks through $2 trillion in retirement assets

Record keeper widens the gap between itself and the bulk of its 401(k) competitors.


The biggest obstacle to America’s retirement security

Senior executives aren't convinced of the importance of company retirement plans.


U.S. banks continue to slash exposure to muni-bonds made less valuable by tax cuts

According to estimates. the institutions decreased their municipal-debt holdings by nearly $6 billion in the second quarter.


Alternative minimum tax a casualty of tax reform nobody will miss

Last year's overhaul is expected to slash the number of taxpayers subject to the AMT


Retroactive Social Security benefits: Everything you need to know

Rules specify who qualifies for back benefits based on age and filing status.


New group aims to improve negative view of annuities

Two dozen insurance companies and mutual fund firms form the new group to reframe perceptions and boost product awareness.


IRS blocks New York, New Jersey plans to elude cap on SALT deduction

States' strategies of characterizing property taxes as charitable contributions won't fly, agency says.


To delete, or not to delete: That is the social media question

This isn't Hamlet, and you'll get a different answer depending on whom you ask.