

Displaying 21886 results


Advancing an industry

Action steps to accelerate the advancement of women in the financial advice industry.


Trump tariffs must not be ignored — here’s why

If the president's move sparks a trade war, you'll be glad you paid attention.


Pacific Life swims against the tide in the indexed annuity market

Analysts say the insurer is the only one to guarantee its cap rates during the contract surrender period, a boon for investors but potentially opening it up to more risk.


Lloyd Blankfein to step down as Goldman CEO by end of the year

WSJ: His successor is expected to be one of the investment bank's two co-presidents, David Solomon or Harvey Schwartz


Muni market offers refuge from volatility

Prices of municipal bonds haven't been this steady since mid-2015.


Senate bill aims to boost 401(k) annuities, small-employer retirement plans

The bill is nearly identical to one that unanimously passed the Senate Finance Committee in 2016.


Gender of fund manager makes no difference in performance, Morningstar says

A more diverse fund industry would have no effect on investor returns.


Global boom swells ranks of the ultra wealthy

Number of people with more than $50 million in net assets grew 10% last year


Morgan Stanley CEO says he’s `not a fan’ of Trump tariffs

Biggest issue for the U.S. is fiscal deficits, not trade deficits, Gorman says.


Trump true believers are going wild over stocks

Financial advisers in conservative areas say the president's backers are putting more money into equities.


Mercer acquires $420 million Traust Sollus

New York RIA, which began as CPA firm, maintains tax orientation as a wealth manager.


US Treasury, IRS seek to close loophole sought out by hedge-fund managers

Regulations will be issued barring use of S corporations to avoid paying higher taxes on carried-interest profits.


Is the REIT sell-off over?

Real estate investment trusts have gotten clobbered amid concerns about rising rates.


Defined-contribution plans showing returns closer to those of pensions

White paper says gap is closing between DC and DB plans.


Senators want SEC, Finra to crack down on Wall Street’s harassment policies

Elizabeth Warren leads call amid #MeToo movement.


How low can 401(k) advisory fees go?

Amid increased regulatory scrutiny and litigation, fees aren't likely to stabilize any time soon.


Trouble with your millennial advisers? Here’s what you did wrong

If you want your millennial advisers to be rainmakers, you'll have to invest in growing their rainmaking capabilities.


FSI aims for workable best-interest standard this year

Group supports the SEC's effort to establish a uniform standard of care.


Passive becomes the new active

With millions of indexes out there, a passive fund manager's choice of an index is an active decision.


Fidelity CEO added $2.6 billion to net worth based on company gains last year

Abigail Johnson owns one-quarter of the family business and is now worth $11.2 billion.