

Displaying 15088 results


HighTower adds $400 million team in St. Louis

Barbara Archer, founder of Archer Wealth Management, will be a managing director and partner.

  • October 12, 2016

The M&A wave is rising. Is your firm ready to dive in?

Among leaders of advisory firms there’s rising excitement about pursuing mergers and acquisitions as a means to achieve…

  • Tax
  • October 11, 2016

Hillary Clinton proposes expanding child tax credit

Plan would double to $2,000 per child the amount of the credit that's available to families of young children.


<i>InvestmentNews</i> Twitter followers pick Donald Trump as winner of second presidential debate

The Republican nominee emerged as the clear victor for some, while taxes and health care provided fodder for lively viewer commentary.


ETFs emerging as important part of alternative investment market

Exchange-traded products are allowing investors low-cost access to asset classes previously available only to institutional investors.


Follow the presidential debate with <i>InvestmentNews</i> #INDebate16

Join the conversation with IN's senior Washington reporter, Mark Schoeff Jr., and your adviser peers on Twitter during the presidential debate at 9 p.m. ET Sunday using #INDebate16. (More: Advisers sound off about who, Hillary Clinton or Donald Trump, they are voting against)


Merrill Lynch enters the robo-advisory business

Fees are higher than some competitors, but firm already has brand awareness to make inroads into the market.


Judging the presidential candidates by the CFP Board’s standards of conduct

This is the choice we all face on Nov. 8 &mdash; two flawed candidates &mdash; neither of whom represents the principles we aspire to ourselves.

  • News
  • September 30, 2016

Investment adviser to plead guilty to running a $21 million Ponzi scheme

Patrick E. Churchville also accused of using $2.5 million of investor funds to help him buy a house in Barrington, R.I.


Tiger Management’s Julian Robertson: Hedge funds are facing the most challenging time ever

Robertson also says he won't vote for Trump and will pick the Libertarian party instead.