
Dan Jamieson

Dan was Senior Editor at InvestmentNews from 2005 to 2013, before moving on to become Editor at large for Financial Advisor magazine. Check out his video bio here. Connect with him at LinkedIn here.

Displaying 620 results


B-Ds to Finra: Back off back-office registration

Broker-dealers, get ready. Your back-office operations are now officially on Finra's front burner


SRO oversight could be ‘rude awakening’ for some advisers: Consultant

Scrutiny of client communication, use of social media could catch some investment advisers unaware


A portfolio that purrs

Animal lovers now have their own socially screened stock portfolio to cuddle up with — without the fear of fur balls, ticks or fleas


TD adding 90 new RIA firms each quarter: Tomczyk

Revenues up, net new assets up, custody business up. It's hard to find much that went wrong for the discount brokerage in the first quarter of the year.


Finra: Make broker-dealers disclose ‘shelf space’

Finra wants broker-dealers to disclose the revenue-sharing deals they have with mutual funds


Finra shells out big lobbying $$

Finra hiked its lobbying expenditures in the first quarter of this year


Prescient advisers called gold and silver plunge

Amid the agony and angst felt by those who took a beating in last week's commodities meltdown, some financial advisers are patting themselves on the back for having steered over-enthusiastic clients away from gold and silver


Credit Suisse analyst: No more QE2? No problem

The end of QE2 should be a non-event, according to a Credit Suisse AG analyst


Active management the new buy-and-hold?

With two huge bear markets in recent memory — and buy-and-hold tactics open to question — the popularity of active strategies has never been greater


Some advisers warned clients about chasing commodities

Some advisers warned their clients about chasing commodities. But even with Thursday's meltdown -- and the mercurial nature of precious metal prices -- some are telling their clients to stay the course.