
Dan Jamieson

Dan was Senior Editor at InvestmentNews from 2005 to 2013, before moving on to become Editor at large for Financial Advisor magazine. Check out his video bio here. Connect with him at LinkedIn here.

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Fidelity to bump up custody fees for smaller firms

Smaller investment advisers continue to feel the squeeze from custodians. Beginning next year, Fidelity Institutional Wealth Services is…


Finra proxy proposals may never see the light of day

Corporate-governance experts believe that seven proposals designed to make Finra disclose more information and give members a say on executive compensation may never be implemented.


Broker-dealers want action on Finra proxy proposals

Broker-dealers who last week overwhelmingly approved a set of proxy proposals designed to make Finra more transparent now want to see the regulator take action.


State securities cops’ plates may soon be fuller

An additional 4,200 investment advisory firms regulated by the Securities and Exchange Commission will fall under the purview of state regulators if the Senate passes the financial-reform bill.


The new gold standard

Chalk up another hard-earned lesson from the financial crisis: Investors in limited partnerships, the structure of choice for most alternative investments, discovered that giving up liquidity in exchange for higher returns wasn't such a good idea after all.


TD’s Bradley: Broker or adviser – choose one

As the Securities and Exchange Commission wrestles with the task of defining a standard of care for anyone who gives investment advice to retail clients, executives at TD Ameritrade Inc. aren't having a difficult time with the issue.


Hubbub over fiduciary standard underscores growing clout of NAPFA

Planning group went against grain, backed universal standard of care early on; membership way up


Conservative streak helped Canada skirt financial crisis: TD’s Tomczyk

How did Canada avoid the worst of the banking crisis? "Generally speaking, Canadians are more conservative," Fred Tomczyk, president and chief executive of TD Ameritrade Holding Corp., said in an interview Monday.


Buckingham snaps up $400M wealth manager

The Buckingham Family of Financial Services today announced a merger with Wealth Management Consultants LLC.