
Dan Jamieson

Dan was Senior Editor at InvestmentNews from 2005 to 2013, before moving on to become Editor at large for Financial Advisor magazine. Check out his video bio here. Connect with him at LinkedIn here.

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Finra examinations boss Robert Errico to exit

Robert Errico, head of member regulation at the Financial Industry Regulatory Authority Inc., will be leaving the organization at the end of March.


Administration seeks a nearly 11% budget hike for SEC

President Barack Obama has proposed another spending increase for the Securities and Exchange Commission.


At Merrill, BofA reps are fair game

Recruiters at competing firms are likely to reach out to bank brokers at Bank of America Investment Services Inc., according to industry observers.


With BofA reps under the recruiting protocol, rivals may pounce

Recruiters at competing firms are likely to reach out to bank brokers at Bank of America Investment Services Inc., according to industry observers.


NASD could have paid members a lot more for OK’ing merger with regulator: lawsuit

NASD could have paid two to three times more than the $35,000 given to member firms in exchange for approving its 2007 merger with the New York Stock Exchange's regulatory unit, according to an attorney who represents two brokerage firms that are suing NASD.


Brokers wait for economy to turn

After two disastrous years in a row, brokerage industry observers say something akin to normalcy may return this year.


Is internal e-mail the smoking gun in Morgan Keegan case?

A 2007 memo from director of investments Gary Stringer questions the asset-backed bets in one of the firm's bond funds. 'Mr. & Mrs. Jones don't expect that kind of risk.'


Towers Watson knocks fees charged by real estate fund managers

Many real estate funds sold to institutional investors are charging too much, according to consultant Towers Watson & Co.


Large adviser teams control 80% of wirehouse assets

Large adviser teams at wirehouses control, on average, 80% of their firm's assets, and about a third of the industry's total adviser-managed assets, according to Cerulli Associates Inc.


Finra to shell out $1M on lobbying efforts

Finra has opened up its checkbook to lobby Congress for authority over investment advisers.