
Darla Mercado

Darla Mercado writes about retirement issues and products, including taxes, annuities and 401(k) plans. She welcomes feedback and tips from readers on interesting topics. Outside of the newsroom, Darla spends her time inline skating, biking, running and swimming. She Tweets at: @Darla_Mercado

Displaying 965 results


Hefty tax bills could lurk in failed life insurance policies

Investors who surrender or let policies lapse risk big tax bills for so-called phantom income.


How to get a jumpstart on 2014 tax planning

Ease the bite of new tax rules with these strategies


Variable annuity sellers clamp down on payments to existing contracts

Two of the largest variable annuity sellers sharply pulled back on additional premiums into existing contracts during a busy third quarter for the sellers.


Hefty tax bills could lurk in failed life insurance policies

Investors who surrender or let policies lapse risk big tax bills for so-called phantom income.


Workers pay little attention to 401(k) fee disclosures

According to advisers and recent data from Limra, workers seem to be doing precisely what they would be expected to do with 20-page disclosure documents: Tossing them in the circular file.


MassMutual 401(k) suit takes litigation into new territory

A recent lawsuit against MassMutual over excessive 401(k) fees raises the possibility that group annuities and stable-value products could become a focus of future complaints.


Last-minute scramble to save on taxes: A couple oldies-but-goodies and a few interesting new ideas

Decisions clients make in the next four weeks can make a significant difference in their annual tax bill.


Third quarter lifts insurers’ VA businesses

The markets have been kind to investors in variable annuities during the third quarter — which means they've been even more generous to the insurers that have sold the products in the first place.


Largest long-term-care insurance sellers go after premium increases

As large long-term-care insurance sellers like John Hancock and Genworth both pursue rate hikes, one analyst says advisers should brace themselves for even more to come.