

Displaying 407 results

  • June 5, 2007

SEC plans round table on 12(b)-1 fees

Securities regulators recently said they will hold a June 19 round table to discuss mutual funds’ use of 12(b)-1 fees.

  • June 5, 2007

Vote delayed on STOLI changes

The National Association of Insurance Commissioners has delayed a vote on its proposal to further limit the use of stranger-owned life insurance, according to published reports.

  • June 5, 2007

Hedge fund still awaits disclosure ruling

Activist hedge fund manager Phillip Goldstein still is waiting to hear whether the SEC will exempt his firm from portfolio disclosure rules.

  • June 5, 2007

Calls for estate tax repeal grow

Another bill was introduced last month that permanently would repeal the estate tax. HR 2380, sponsored by Rep. Kenny C. Hulshof, R-Mo., joins two other bills that aim to get rid of the so-called death tax.

  • June 5, 2007

Hedge funds in legislative cross hairs

A bill floated last month would require hedge fund advisers to register with the Securities and Exchange Commission.

  • June 5, 2007

Measure targets insider info on Capitol Hill

A new House bill aims to halt insider trading that arises from information gained from Capitol Hill’s legislative process.

  • June 5, 2007

Annuities bill gets companion

A House bill was introduced last month as a companion to S 1010, which would give tax incentives for investing in individual annuities.

  • June 5, 2007

Bull’s eye on tax-shelter promoters

A House bill was introduced last month as a companion to a Senate measure that aims to slap tougher penalties on people who promote offshore tax havens and abusive tax shelters.

  • June 5, 2007

Say-on-pay bill awaits committee action

The House-passed bill that would let shareholders weigh in on executive compensation packages is in the Senate Banking Committee.

  • June 5, 2007

Push intensifies for AMT relief

Two measures were added last month to the growing list of bills that aim to rein in the effect of the alternative minimum tax.