
Greg Iacurci

Greg was a reporter for InvestmentNews from 2015 to 2019, covering defined-contribution plans, retirement planning, insurance, taxes and estate planning, before then moving to CNBC as a Personal Finance Reporter. He tweets at: @GregIacurci

Displaying 944 results


Indexed annuity sales grow among wirehouses, independent broker-dealers

A product design that's more palatable to brokers and a bigger roster of familiar carriers have raised the product profile for brokers.


Lawmakers want to reform rules around RMDs

One measure would scrap the "stretch IRA," which has helped financial advisers preserve retirement wealth passed on to heirs.


Western & Southern buys Gerber Life Insurance in $1.55 billion deal

Gerber Life has $52 billion of life insurance in force and covers 3.6 million policies for individuals.


Captrust, prominent 401(k) advice firm, ramps up its wealth management business

Captrust wants to grow annual revenue from wealth management to 50% from 30% over the next five years.


Fixed annuities are on a tear

Fixed annuities are positioned for a record year, with fixed-rate deferred and indexed annuities driving the growth.


House committee passes open MEP bill

Insurance groups say the measure, which now heads to the full chamber for a vote, doesn't go far enough.


States try to beat back rate increases on long-term-care policies

Rules adopted by 41 states have held down rate increases on newer policies, but some advisers remain skeptical of traditional LTC insurance.


Tax Reform 2.0 adds to momentum for open MEPs

New bill eases rules around open multiple-employer plans by allowing more employers to band together to offer a common retirement plan.


Raymond James nabs $203 million team from Morgan Stanley

Raymond James is coming off several strong quarters of adviser recruiting.


SEC charges two brokers for churning that lost clients $3.6 million

The brokers worked for the same broker-dealer, which has since been expelled from the industry, at the time of their respective alleged frauds.