
Greg Iacurci

Greg was a reporter for InvestmentNews from 2015 to 2019, covering defined-contribution plans, retirement planning, insurance, taxes and estate planning, before then moving to CNBC as a Personal Finance Reporter. He tweets at: @GregIacurci

Displaying 944 results


DOL fiduciary rule: 5th Circuit decision could be big win for indexed annuities

The fiduciary rule may be taken off the books as a result of the ruling, and an SEC fiduciary standard wouldn't cover products not registered as securities


Aon Hewitt wins 401(k) lawsuit over robo-adviser kickbacks

It's the fourth time a retirement-plan record keeper has prevailed in a lawsuit scrutinizing fees received from Financial Engines.


401(k) robo-revolution is underway

Could human advisers be displaced as digital-advice firms use technology to deliver services to plan sponsors and participants?


DOL fiduciary rule: Industry reacts to Fifth Circuit ruling

Groups on both sides of the fiduciary debate had plenty to say.


Pacific Life swims against the tide in the indexed annuity market

Analysts say the insurer is the only one to guarantee its cap rates during the contract surrender period, a boon for investors but potentially opening it up to more risk.


Senate bill aims to boost 401(k) annuities, small-employer retirement plans

The bill is nearly identical to one that unanimously passed the Senate Finance Committee in 2016.


Tax law: How to get the pass-through deduction by reducing taxable income

Advisers are only eligible for the full 20% deduction if their income is less than $157,000 for singles and $315,000 for married couples.


How to design a 401(k) plan that’s lawsuit-proof

High fees are a red flag, but prudence is the ultimate key to defeating a claim, according to advisers and attorneys.


Vanguard extends TDF dominance with ‘unbelievable’ growth

Its target-date assets have grown by $270 billion since 2015


Pension risk transfers swelled nearly 70% in 2017

Employers have increasingly offloaded their pension liabilities to insurance companies as pensions have become costly to keep on the books.