
Greg Iacurci

Greg was a reporter for InvestmentNews from 2015 to 2019, covering defined-contribution plans, retirement planning, insurance, taxes and estate planning, before then moving to CNBC as a Personal Finance Reporter. He tweets at: @GregIacurci

Displaying 944 results


Shift to Roth 401(k)s ‘highly likely’ part of tax reform: former Treasury official Mark Iwry

Mandated contributions to Roth accounts would likely only be partial, as opposed to having a full repeal of pre-tax accounts.


Private equity eyes advisory firms, but at what cost?

Some executives warn private capital could be disruptive for advisers, others welcome them as valuable partners


IMCA rebrands to attract broader audience

The Investment Management Consultants Association has become the Investments & Wealth Institute, and will begin offering a retirement income designation.


Morgan Stanley sees slower fee-based asset flows on fiduciary rule delay

Flows to advisory accounts, while still higher than the start of 2016, dropped off more than 20% from Q2 and were the lowest in a year.


Charles Schwab runs TV ads to promote independent, fiduciary advice model

The ads feature advisers who custody with Schwab.


Prudential wins appeal of 401(k) fee lawsuit

The case serves as a reminder to 401(k) record keepers that they may be considered fiduciaries even without exercising discretion over plan assets.


DOL fiduciary rule delay boosts prospects for annuity sales

Indexed and variable annuities are likely to get a big bump in sales if the rule is delayed until July 2019.


Finra cracks down on faulty variable annuity exchanges

Two recent enforcement actions highlight how the brokerage watchdog is upping its scrutiny and is unlikely to relent.


Trump administration scrapping estate-tax rule affecting wealthy business owners

The regulation would have eliminated business-valuation discounts used to reduce estate and gift taxes.


SEC charges California RIA and its owner with account statement fraud

Tweed Investment Services Inc. and owner Robert Russel Tweed were allegedly trying to cover up their inflated investment performance.