
Greg Iacurci

Greg was a reporter for InvestmentNews from 2015 to 2019, covering defined-contribution plans, retirement planning, insurance, taxes and estate planning, before then moving to CNBC as a Personal Finance Reporter. He tweets at: @GregIacurci

Displaying 944 results


Hillary Clinton’s tax plan would hit the very rich

If front-runner Hillary Clinton wins, higher taxes could be on the way for advisers' wealthy clients.


DOL releases first batch of FAQs on fiduciary rule

Agency answers 34 adviser questions pertaining to the regulation's exemptions, including the best-interest contract exemption. (More: The most up-to-date information on the DOL fiduciary rule)


DOL expects to issue final rule on city retirement programs by year end

Following on a rule issued over the summer concerning state plans, the DOL is forging ahead with one governing city-based programs.


Some firms opting to sell fixed annuities under best-interest contract exemption to keep trips, bonuses intact

While financial institutions are able to sell deferred-income and immediate annuities under a less onerous exemption, some are opting to sell under BICE to keep certain compensation arrangements intact.


First set of FAQs on fiduciary rule coming ‘very soon,’ but deadline extension ‘not likely’: DOL’s Borzi

'This first set of FAQs will focus on some of the questions that have been raised in connection with the exemptions,' Borzi said. (More: A comprehensive, searchable database of advisers' fiduciary FAQs)


Adviser compensation, rollovers most complex factors under DOL fiduciary rule

Determining adviser compensation under BICE is likely the "single most complicated thing" in the rule, according to attorney Fred Reish.


DOL fiduciary rule won’t help some 403(b) retirement plans

The plans in public school districts — often a "laissez-faire" type of arrangement exposing teachers to high-fee products — won't be helped by the new regulation.


DOL fiduciary rule promotes a ‘business form of skydiving’

Broker-dealers can try shielding themselves from risk as much as possible, but lawsuits are inevitable and could prove difficult to defend, attorneys said.


Lack of capacity ‘single biggest’ growth inhibitor for advisory firms

Average adviser has roughly 1,800 hours available in work year, but approximately 60% of it spent 'on crap,' Pershing's Tibergien says.


Former Morgan Stanley broker barred for unauthorized borrowing from clients

The broker borrowed $300,000 total from two clients in violation of Finra rules and firm policy.