
Greg Iacurci

Greg was a reporter for InvestmentNews from 2015 to 2019, covering defined-contribution plans, retirement planning, insurance, taxes and estate planning, before then moving to CNBC as a Personal Finance Reporter. He tweets at: @GregIacurci

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Nine groups file lawsuit to strike down ‘capricious’ DOL fiduciary rule

The U.S. Chamber of Commerce, SIFMA, FSI, IRI, the Financial Services Roundtable and several Texas business groups joined a lawsuit to block the Labor Department's landmark fiduciary regulation. (Related read: The DOL fiduciary rule from all angles)


Excessive-fee suit targeting $9 million 401(k) plan could be ‘harbinger’ for industry

Lawsuit is perhaps the first example targeting small retirement plans.


Don’t let the DOL fiduciary rule’s grandfathering provision trip you up

It's difficult to count on the grandfathering exemption if advisers plan to make ongoing recommendations in an acccount.


Prince’s death sets off estate planning quagmire

A complicated process to value the music icon's estate hinges on future royalties.


Long-term-care insurance market sees rapid decline

A slew of factors, including low interest rates, increasing longevity and insurance company pricing blunders, have led to an industry on the skids. Will hybrid products save the day?


Life insurance helps with retirement planning, but beware of the pitfalls

Product considerations are complex, and using this strategy inappropriately in a retirement income plan can trigger problems.


Money market funds come under fire in spate of 401(k) suits

The suits allege that money market funds were imprudent investment choices given that their returns were lower than stable value funds.


How to sell fixed indexed annuities in a DOL fiduciary environment

Advisers need to know what to consider when determining if the annuities are in a client's best interest.


Elder financial abuse grows more prevalent in annuity, life insurance products

Insurance products represent a huge pot of money for fraudsters as baby boomers retire at a rapid clip


Finra targeting mutual fund overcharges in broker-dealer sweep

Regulator is looking into whether firms have a process and supervisory procedures in place to waive fees.