
Greg Iacurci

Greg was a reporter for InvestmentNews from 2015 to 2019, covering defined-contribution plans, retirement planning, insurance, taxes and estate planning, before then moving to CNBC as a Personal Finance Reporter. He tweets at: @GregIacurci

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Insurers and their clients will reap benefits when rate rise picks up steam

Annuity and life insurance products would likely see better contract guarantees long-term.


Volatility drives stock market fears in 401(k) plans

Participants shifted their balances to conservative funds amid higher trading activity.


LPL eyes more fee-based variable annuities as fiduciary rule looms

Distribution of more variable annuities in an advisory rather than commission environment could play out as a result of Labor Department regulation.


Serving famous athletes and entertainers poses unique challenges for advisers

Advisers like David Adams, who works predominantly with musicians and entertainers, must march to a different drummer to succeed with celebrity clients. (More: 9 tips for working with celebrity clients)


Fidelity study says half of RIAs foresee negative business impact due to DOL fiduciary rule

Registered investment advisers are already held to a fiduciary standard by the SEC, but many envision higher costs and time spent on compliance-related tasks.


Oracle Corp. 401(k) plan targeted for excessive fees

Oracle's plan and its fiduciaries are the latest to be targeted in a slew of excessive-fee suits to emerge over the past several weeks.


Commonwealth ceases sale of some variable annuities

Commonwealth brokers can no longer sell L share class variable annuities, as industrywide scrutiny of these annuity contracts grows.


Financial Engines plans insurance, health care advice for 401(k) participants

The 401(k) managed account provider is pushing for more holistic financial planning.


How should retirement plans pay their 401(k) fees?

Helping allocate retirement plan fees to service providers is becoming increasingly important for advisers, with several different mechanisms to consider.


Advisers shy away from LTC insurance dialogue: Study

Low comfort level with LTC products makes advisers recoil, but some think that's a weak argument.