
Jeff Benjamin

Jeff Benjamin is a senior columnist who primarily writes about investments and practice management as they relate to the wealth management industry. In addition to news and opinion writing, Jeff also does regular video interviews and is the co-host of The InvestmentNews Podcast, a weekly show that takes listeners behind the scenes of our coverage. He joined InvestmentNews in 2000. Prior to InvestmentNews, Jeff’s career included working as an analyst at Cerulli Associates, and as a reporter for Dow Jones Newswires. Jeff is based in North Carolina and when he isn’t working, he can usually be found playing golf or fishing. Jeff is a former Marine and has a bachelor’s degree in journalism from Central Michigan University.

Displaying 4109 results


STREETWISE: Traders bask in volatility

Some investors, spoiled by too many years of bullish market activity, might say the happy days are over.


STREETWISE: Metromedia under the Lens

Proponents of shareholder activism might want to take a look at Metromedia International Group Inc. The challenge, however,…


Full-service brokers encroach on advisers

The empire is striking back at independent financial advisers. The seven national full-service brokerages, squeezed out of the…


STREETWISE: A biotech ace starts new fund

Timothy Bepler believes there are loads of investment opportunities in biotechnology. Convincing gun-shy investors of that, however, might…


Pru could lose 200 managers in shuffle

A reorganization at Prudential Insurance Co. of America could convince about a third of the company’s managers, who…


A silver lining in slow IPO

Based on the kinds of cycles we’ve seen so far this year, there is good reason to believe…


AmEx’s adviser woes pyramid

A seven-month-old American Express Co. campaign to boost its adviser force to 20,000 by 2006 has hit a…


AmEx’s adviser woes pyramid

More than a dozen former American Express financial advisers charge that they were misled about their jobs and…


STREETWISE: Profit shortfalls may bite in 4Q

If you’ve never paid attention to earnings before, now might be a good time to start. For the…


Mastering this domain (name) will cost you

Call it the Internet’s version of the chicken and the egg: A business plan is created to…