
Josh Welsh

Displaying 206 results


Clients are leaving advisors for better advice (and relationships)

‘I truly think a lot of advisors end up missing that relationship management,’ a financial planner says.


Performance and returns ‘aren’t everything,’ UBS advisor says

Hiring more women, improving accreditation and providing more mentorship for women will help the industry move forward.


Residential real estate is hot commodity for investors

'Advisors have been looking for other areas to park some money for some time and real estate's a natural lateral move,' asset manager says.


RIA industry is slow to ‘capture more clients,’ EP Wealth CEO says

Ryan Parker, who formerly headed Edelman Financial Engines, suggests RIAs should band together to create marketing strategies.


Senior secured loans are the next best investment, Bluerock says

The loans offer several benefits for investors, including diversification.


Special benefits for special needs clients

Advisor who focuses on special needs planning highlights two ‘life changing’ government programs available to those who have a disability.


Being a fiduciary is the ‘true professionalization’ of financial advice

Ultimately, fiduciary care is going to drive the RIA space, advisor says.


RIAs face their greatest challenge: The transfer of wealth

Finding different ways to interact with Gen Xers and millennials is top of mind in the industry, advisor says.


Mother joins daughter at $28B firm

Marianne Carter says her move was motivated by the need for a succession plan.


More women advisors equal more clients

Female advisors share their experiences and insights in recognition of International Women’s Day.