
John Waggoner

Displaying 509 results


The long and short of long-short funds

Make sure you know what you're getting before you take a ride.


Smart-beta returns track their Morningstar categories

A few are just a bit smarter than the average.


Brace for thousands of new DOL fiduciary-friendly mutual fund share classes

New T shares would feature a uniform 2.5% front-end load and a 0.25% trailing 12-b(1) fee.


Magazine cover has a bull on it: Time to sell?

If you see a flurry of markets-related headlines on the front pages of newspapers or, better yet, a bull on the cover of a general audience magazine, chances are it's time to head for the hills.


Should you go short when the media says go long?

Magazine covers, newspaper headlines as contrary indicators


Managed futures funds gaining traction among advisers

Experiencing poor performance of late, the investment serves as a useful hedge against stock, bond downturns.


How to keep clients from going wild when the Dow hits 20,000

To tame their animal spirits, call them before they call you.


Will the Fed’s steps lead to a stumble?

A long-held stock market selling rule may not apply this time around.


Looking for consistent top performance? Most active funds don’t have it

The longer the time period, the less likely they are to outperform.