
John Waggoner

Displaying 509 results


USA Mutuals Vice Fund’s winning strategy in election year: Guns, booze, tobacco and gambling

The fund has beaten the S&P 500 in three of the last four presidential election cycles.


Bipartisan support from Democrats and Republicans bodes well for infrastructure investments

Infrastructure mutual funds and ETFs are currently beating the S&P 500.


Little bloodshed in bond market so far as interest rates rise

Despite redemptions, largest bond funds hold up well.


Seeing green, asset managers ramp up purchases of ESG shops

Eaton Vance, Goldman Sachs, FOLIOfn among those firms going for goodness.


Who needs ETFs? Nobody, study says

Academic study in Germany concludes that poor fund selection and rotten market timing contribute to poor performance


Morningstar launches ETF analyst ratings for 250 funds

Morningstar has rolled out analyst ratings for 250 exchange-traded funds worldwide, 100 of which are U.S.-based. The…


Eaton Vance to buy Calvert Investments

Acquisition of $12.3B social investment manager marks big step into the ESG market.


Commodities funds may offer inflation hedge, but many overweight energy

Also, with the exception of some metals funds, most funds don't own the actual commodity.


Volatility seen as best way to hedge against political risk

According to a study by Unigestion, investors worried about the outcome on Nov. 8 should forget gold and Treasuries.