
John Waggoner

Displaying 509 results


Investors’ lust for bonds continues in their hunt for yield

Intermediate-term bonds took in $15 billion last month — the largest inflow of any Morningstar category.


iShares, VanEck Vectors commodity ETFs lead comeback as supplies dwindle

Even coal, which has seen hundreds of mines close worldwide, is riding the commodity rally.


When clients call the stock market a big bubble, here’s what to say

The next time a client tells you that stocks are in a bubble, consider a polite way to…


Looking for stock tips from hedge fund managers? Try active manager Fidelity, instead

Your clients may be showing you stock ideas from hedge fund managers such as Carl Icahn (Allergan!) and…


Why aren’t there more women fund managers?

Men still overwhelmingly dominate investment management, but women have made inroads, especially in money market funds.


SEC to audit RIAs over the types of mutual fund share classes they sell to clients

The agency is particularly interested in conflicts of interest where the adviser is also a broker-dealer or affiliated with a broker-dealer that gets fees from sales of particular share classes.


Fidelity files with SEC for new type of actively managed ETF

Complex tracking basket that would be published daily a key component of the product.


Legendary mutual-fund manager Bill Miller cuts ties with Legg Mason

The stockpicker reached a deal to buy out Legg Mason's stake in the entity housing his funds, which he'll continue to run.


No easy choices for investors looking to buck the herd with contrarian funds

Offerings from Fidelity, Columbia, Janus and others look for inflection points of maximum pessimism about a particular stock or industry.


State Street Global Advisers to shutter 12 unloved ETFs

State Street Global Advisors is sending 12 of its exchange-traded funds to Palookaville, citing limited market demand.