
John Waggoner

Displaying 509 results


Hottest emerging-markets funds spice things up with Latin America

Brandes, Invesco funds add a helping of Brazil.

  • July 21, 2016

UBS panel: The election is Hillary Clinton’s to lose

Experts suggest the House of Representatives will probably remain Republican, the Senate is a toss-up and the economy will remain much the way it is now.


Talking about rising interest rates with your clients

The case for a rate hike isn't a lock. But if you stay in touch with your clients and let them know your thinking, a rate hike will be easier on everyone.


BlackRock starts off subdued earnings season for fund companies

For decades, you would have been better off buying the stocks of companies that manage mutual funds than…


SunAmerica fund picks just 30 stocks once a year and clobbers the competition

A fund that sets its 30-stock portfolio once a year and sits still is running rings around the…


Take 5: Oakmark’s Bill Nygren sees value in bank stocks

A candid chat with Bill Nygren, who has been manager of the Oakmark Select Fund (OAKLX) since 1996.


Managed futures funds took some of the sting out of Brexit

Safe haven currencies, bonds and metals soothed some wounds.


Treasury bonds beat stocks the past 10 years. You heard it right

If you’ve been telling your clients that stocks beat bonds over the long term, you might want to…


Fidelity takes on Vanguard by cutting prices on index funds, ETFs

The Boston fund giant is lowering expense ratios on 27 index funds and ETFs.