
Keith Girard

Keith was Editor of InvestmentNews from 1999 to 2003. After his stint with us he went on to become Editor-in-Chief at Billboard Magazine, a Senior Columnist at, and Managing Editor at, as well as running his own publishing company. For more details on his experience check out his LinkedIn page.

Displaying 18 results


Monday Morning: Our role in a rapidly changing industry

Humpty Dumpty had a special relationship with language. “When I use a word,” he scolded, “it means just…


Monday Morning: Independent research is no oxymoron

By now you probably know all about the shell game that many Wall Street analysts have been accused of playing with "buy," "hold" and "sell" ratings.


Monday Morning: Advisers fell short after towers toppled

The world turned upside down when the twin towers at the World Trade Center fell Sept. 11. But for the vast majority of individuals who call themselves financial advisers, the calamity wasn't enough of a motivation to telephone their clients.


Monday Morning: Balmy Boca carries message of renewal

Reflections from the the Securities Industry Association annual meeting.


Monday Morning: Here’s a blast from the past – dividends

Another look at stock dividends.


Monday Morning: In tangle of terror, web proves essential

Like most other Americans, I awoke on that awful Tuesday two weeks ago and witnessed the tragic scenes…


Monday Morning – Put to the test: Our boundless optimism

Whatever the ultimate outcome of Tuesday’s devastating terrorist attack, there is a palpable sense in its wake that…


Monday Morning: Gold bugs have come back to bite – again

What we have is a triple witching. No other explanation exists. The current economic malaise, an unusual anniversary…


Monday Morning: The blue light at the end of the tunnel

I knew we were saved as soon as Kmart reintroduced the “BlueLight Special.” The budget retailer brought back…


Monday Morning: When Maria grinds, the stocks go bump

She was once the “Money Honey.” But good Lord! The names angry investors are calling CNBC newscaster Maria…