
Keith Girard

Keith was Editor of InvestmentNews from 1999 to 2003. After his stint with us he went on to become Editor-in-Chief at Billboard Magazine, a Senior Columnist at, and Managing Editor at, as well as running his own publishing company. For more details on his experience check out his LinkedIn page.

Displaying 18 results


Spam: More than angioplasty in a can

There was a time when Spam was nothing more than a glutinous luncheon meat. An amalgam of meat…


Consumer debt: Economy coup de grace?

Even with the stock market in the tank for months and the economy grinding to a halt, consumers…


The power to make a difference

Power is like pornography; you can’t define it, but you know it when you see it. Or at…


The tax cut: Much ado about nothing?

The Bush administration has been working overtime to convince the public and lawmakers on Capitol Hill that its $1.6 trillion tax cut will help spur the flagging economy.


Monday Morning: Can the bulls outrun the bear (market)?

You know the old story. Two campers are out in the woods when they see a bear off…


MONDAY MORNING: The market has a case of ‘indicatoritis’

You hear this investment advice often enough: Invest for the long term. But does anybody really believe it?…


MONDAY MORNING: Hope that tech souffle doesn’t fall

Has anyone figured out the Nasdaq yet? Shares of technology companies soared last week, setting records for three…