
Kristine McManus

Kristine McManus serves as chief advisor growth officer at Commonwealth Financial Network.

Displaying 47 results


Going fee-only can be catalyst for growth

Factors driving the expansion in fee-only advisers include clients' and prospects' interest in having an adviser who's a fiduciary and advisers' interest in having a simpler story to tell clients.


Getting to know you: Telling your story in your bio

Advisers' biographies tend to be generic, filled with jargon and acronyms. Write a bio that gives prospects the information they need to decide whether they want to talk with you.


Great service is assumed. A full client experience is not

Rather than focusing on servicing clients, think instead of creating a great client experience — something that's very different.


Helping women advisers gain a seat at the table

While there's some good news about women attaining corporate board seats, progress is still slow. Here are some suggestions on how women advisers can attain leadership roles.


Summer-friendly strategies for growing your brand and community

As the pandemic subsides and people look forward to catching up with their friends, there's a great opportunity to plan exciting events that bring big results.


Discover what your clients want with a survey

A lot has changed over the past 12 months, and it's likely that what your clients want or prefer may have changed as well.


Holding on to clients in any market

The more fee-based business you do, the more imperative it is to focus on current clients and your ability to hold onto them.


Building a business plan? Keep it simple

As an industry, we’ve probably made business planning more complex than it needs to be. Keep it simple; it’s better to write something down than nothing, and there’s no need to put everything down.


Wishing you a successful new year

Given all that happened last year, many advisers are coming up with different metrics for success in 2021


5 silver linings to be thankful for in 2020

It's been a tough year, but here are some things we can all be grateful for