
Kristine McManus

Kristine McManus serves as chief advisor growth officer at Commonwealth Financial Network.

Displaying 47 results


Want to attract clients? Think beyond COVID-19 boundaries

Absent face-to-face meetings, how can advisers reach new prospects?


Get creative about client events in a virtual world

In a virtual world, advisers are planning unique events that are deepening relationships in surprising ways


Look again: Your annual goals are still within reach

As fall begins, take time to revisit your business plan for the year and figure out what needs to get done and who can do it


Help your clients tackle college expenses

Higher education is a source of worry for many parents, and one where advisers can provide assistance


The practice of the future

If prospects don’t meet you in person, the impression they gain from your website might make all the difference


Prospecting in volatile times

Your focus, messaging and positioning all need to be on the problems you can solve and the people you help


Communicating what’s really important

Far too often, advisers think that communicating means they need to do the talking; instead, they need to do the listening