
Mark Battersby

Displaying 120 results


Tax Watch: Dentist drilled, gets an unlikely sentence

A federal judge in Michigan has sentenced a dentist to 27 months in prison for evading taxes on…


Tax Watch: Exchange profits by trading places

The Chicago Mercantile Exchange has completed its transformation from a non-profit organization owned by members to a for-profit,…


TAX WATCH: Christian school loses bond tax exemption

The issuance of tax-exempt bonds to finance a project at a sectarian school was recently ruled unconstitutional. Naturally,…


TAX WATCH: Abusive-trust crackdown gets 28 convictions

The crackdown on abusive-trust schemes by the Internal Revenue Service’s criminal investigation division and the U.S. Justice Department…


TAX WATCH: Zero tax bill: Talk about corporate welfare!

Many corporations achieved everyone’s April 15 goal. Despite earning billions of dollars, some of the largest U.S. companies…


TAX WATCH: IRS trust-scam crackdown sends many to jail

An Internal Revenue Service crackdown on illegal foreign and domestic trusts is sending record numbers of promoters and…


TAX WATCH: IRS gets more budget but not for collection

House and Senate lawmakers have agreed to supplement the fiscal 2001 Internal Revenue Service budget by $220 million.


TAX WATCH: Buying into funds? Check those distributions

Tax law requires capital gains distributions when a fund sells a stock at a gain. If the fund…


TAX WATCH: Three choices for treating commissions

Effective Oct. 2, Revenue Procedure 2000-38 provides guidance on three accounting methods that mutual fund distributors may use…


TAX WATCH: Annuity owners can offset now, pay later

The Internal Revenue Service recently ruled that the owners of single-premium annuity contracts could offset their annuity income…