
Mark Battersby

Displaying 120 results


Tax Watch: IRS outlines drive against abusive shelters

The Internal Revenue Service has published an outline of the actions that it will take to combat abusive…


Tax Watch: Signature alone doesn’t make preparer liable

In a legal memorandum, Curt G. Wilson, the Internal Revenue Service’s assistant chief counsel for procedure and administration,…


Tax Watch: Deadlines eased for filers affected by attacks

The Department of the Treasury and the Internal Revenue Service have announced “initial administrative” tax relief for individual…


Tax Watch: Now you can file a return on Internet

Businesses and individuals can now pay their taxes directly over the internet, according to a recent joint announcement…


Tax Watch: Corporate treasurers may lose a useful tool

The Internal Revenue Service wants to reduce the leeway that many corporate treasurers have when they pick and…


Tax Watch: A Texas county improves on Social Security

Taxpayers would be better served by the adoption of a “banking model” rather than a private-account structure in…


Tax Watch: Panel cites big hit if expiring tax breaks stay

Congress’ Joint Committee on Taxation recently estimated that extending the tax provisions set to expire this year would…


Tax Watch: IRS aims for painless small-business audits

The Internal Revenue Service is seeking to improve the audit process for the nation’s small-business owners and self-employed…


Tax Watch: ‘Global cartel’ takes the heat off tax havens

A self-styled grass-roots movement is warning that “a high-tax global cartel threatens American taxpayers, American privacy and American…


Tax Watch: Think tank disputes Social Security report

A Washington think tank says the interim report of President Bush’s Social Security reform commission contains “misleading statements…