
Mike Clowes

Mike was founding editor of Pensions & Investments in 1973 and then Editorial Director of P&I and InvestmentNews from 1998 to 2006.

Displaying 92 results


Monday Morning – Tip for investors: Follow the cash flow

If earnings drive stock prices, as academics insist, the key to the direction of the stock market is…


Monday Morning: No consensus on the market’s value

Are stocks cheap yet? On this long trip to heaven-knows-where in the capital markets, the stock market seems…


Monday Morning: Greenspan failed to quell ‘exuberance’

Alan Greenspan has taken a lot of flak for arguing that the Federal Reserve could not have headed…


Monday Morning – Top stocks: Here today, gone tomorrow

If at the end of 1990 you had invested $1,000 in each of the 50 largest companies as…


Monday Morning: Bad time for rise in personal-saving rate

Good news! The personal-saving rate rose in June to 4.2% of income, from an abysmal 2.3% for all…


Monday Morning: Hold politicians’ feet to the fire, too

Congress has passed the Sarbanes-Oxley Act, which requires CEOs of major corporations to affirm in writing that financial…


Monday Morning: Reasonably priced growth a key to success story

There is a story, possibly apocryphal, of a well-known money manager who told a conference audience that his…


Monday Morning: A case for parity between stocks and bonds

Contrary to popular wisdom, stocks don’t always deliver higher returns than bonds, even in the long run. History…


Monday Morning: Did pension funds cause the bubble?

What sparked the 1990s stock market bubble? U.S. pension funds are obvious suspects because they are large and…


Monday Morning: Mortgage securities a haven for investors?

When investors lose confidence in the stock market, they often switch at least part of their assets to…