
Mike Clowes

Mike was founding editor of Pensions & Investments in 1973 and then Editorial Director of P&I and InvestmentNews from 1998 to 2006.

Displaying 92 results


Monday Morning – Enron: A bitter pill could cure several ills

Congress, along with most commentators, has focused on the costs of the collapse of Houston’s Enron Corp. Those…


Monday Morning: The time may be ripe for market timing

Market timing has been written off by many investors, and most investment experts who lived through the late…


Monday Morning: A caring, innovative couple steps back

George Russell’s life changed April 6. That was the day his wife, Jane, was diagnosed with cancer. And…


Monday Morning: Retirees need new advice as rates fall

The lower interest rates engineered by the Federal Reserve may ultimately help the economy recover from the collapse…


Monday Morning: Is it too soon to jump back into stocks?

Deposits at commercial banks increased by 11% in September, compared with a 10% increase in September 2000 and…


Monday Morning: Post-attack silver lining: Saving, frugality

It is becoming clearer every day that the Sept. 11 attacks on the World Trade Center and the…


Monday Morning: Advisers’ clients edgy but sitting tight

More than a month after the attacks on the World Trade Center and Pentagon, financial advisers are still…


Monday Morning: Market may mimic Pearl Harbor rebound

Last week’s surge suggests the stock market may be in the process of recovering from the shock of…


Monday Morning: Taking the bull by the horns, sort of

On Sept. 21, I increased my equity exposure in our company’s profit sharing plan by 5 percentage points.


Monday Morning: Is market reliving 1973-74? Unlikely

More and more, today’s bear market looks like that of 1973-74, if for no other reason than it…