
Ryan W. Neal

Originally from Northern California, Ryan received bachelor's degrees in English and philosophy from UC Santa Barbara before beginning a career in journalism at the Santa Barbara Independent. After a few years of freelancing, bartending and snowboarding in Colorado, Ryan moved to New York to earn a master's degree in journalism at Columbia University. He has covered the advisor fintech beat since 2014. He Tweets at: @ryanWneal

Displaying 814 results


LPL providing credit monitoring, identity protection to investors exposed by data breach

The firm remains tight-lipped about how many investors were affected.


RightCapital lands partnership with Commonwealth

The financial planning startup hopes to provide tech to Commonwealth's network of 1,800 advisers.


Advisor Group launching new paperless onboarding technology

Program hopes to give advisers a fully digital client experience on par with robos.


Orion, Advicent give advisers more control over client reports

Latest updates make it easier for firms to customize reports to exact specifications.

  • News
  • November 12, 2018

Wells Fargo loses $560 million advisory team to Raymond James IBD

Financial Services & Investment Strategies Group says the move will help reshape and rejuvenate its business.


Ex-Morgan Stanley broker sues firm for wrongful termination, smear campaign

Claims his income is going from $300,000 to $91,000 as a result of his tarnished reputation.


Wells Fargo reportedly ends investigation of gender bias in wealth management unit

Wealth management head Jay Welker, a focus of many complaints, announced plans to retire on Tuesday


How Tamarac grew from fintech startup to $1.2 trillion behemoth

Early days at Tamarac were a far cry from the business Envestnet bought in 2012.


New Schwab adviser technology chief Andrew Salesky brings veteran pressure to his team

New role comes as the nation's largest custodian faces questions about its commitment to advisers.


From the C-suite with Wealth Consulting Group’s Jimmy Lee: Looking for diversity, screening for attitude

This CEO rejects a passive-aggressive approach, directs employees not to let things fester.