
Rosemarie Maldonado

Displaying 56 results


CNBC launches financial advice website

CNBC, the financial channel that has ridden the bull market to become almost staple viewing in bars and…


Websites start picking on the stock pickers

With so many know-it-alls touting stocks these days, it seemed only a matter of time before somebody started…


One on One: "We like companies that are growing. We just want to buy them when they are out of favor"

William Fries is not a risk taker. The portfolio manager and managing director of the Thornburg Value and…


Family finances and feuds take center stage

When parents become rich, kids often act poorly. But Shaking the Tree Interactive Productions, a professional theater troupe,…


Falling short in the red zone of life

Life after football, like the football itself, sometimes takes some funny bounces. Players can end up not only…


Planners take on Olympian task

The Summer Olympics are history, but the gold medalists are competing again – for millions of dollars from…


Livin’ la vida broker: Investing new Latin love

Josephine Infante no longer breezes past the financial pages of the New York Times to get to the…


Livin’ la vida broker: Investing new Latin love

Josephine Infante no longer breezes past the financial pages of the New York Times to get to the…


Web firm eyes women for advice, trades

A CBS consultant who helped develop the Wilshire 5000 Total Market Index is setting up a website geared…


Web firm eyes women for advice, trades

A CBS consultant who helped develop the Wilshire 5000 Total Market Index is setting up a website geared…