
Scott Hanson

Scott Hanson is co-founder of Allworth Financial, formerly Hanson McClain Advisors, a fee-based RIA with more than $19 billion in AUM.

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Thriving in your professional zone

Over time, the increased demands of running a wealth management shop eat into the time advisors once had to work to their strengths and to devote to clients.


Why I stepped aside as CEO of Allworth

I’m not retiring nor am I leaving – I’m moving into a position that more closely aligns with my skill sets and passions.


How communicating expectations makes a good advisor

It's up to us to let our clients know from the start about the services we will and won't provide, so they'll stick with us during market cycles.


Why people are reluctant to hire an advisor

Studies have shown that most people will benefit from an advisor's assistance, realizing a 4%-plus increase in their yearly return, even after fees.


Sales is not a dirty word

If you’re a fiduciary, the better you are at subtle persuasion, the better off your clients will be.


Modernize your service model, both for your next client and your succession plan  

You’ll have a tough time acquiring new clients, or eventually selling your firm and retiring, if your service model is stuck back in the '90s.


Unflinching guidance is your ultimate fiduciary duty

The longer the bear market continues, the more likely your clients will be to abandon their financial plans, sell their growth assets, and potentially impair their financial futures.


The superiority of the fee-based compensation model

The preeminent conflict of the commission-based model is that it forces you to put the pursuit of new clients ahead of serving your existing ones.


3 reasons advisory firms don’t grow

Some advisors are happy with the status quo, while others dislike the challenge of finding new clients.


How advisors can avoid their own SVB collapse

If you’re not paying close attention to ensure that your clients’ cash is safe, you’re ignoring your fiduciary duty.