
Scott Hanson

Scott Hanson is co-founder of Allworth Financial, formerly Hanson McClain Advisors, a fee-based RIA with more than $19 billion in AUM.

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When saying no means everything

Narrowing the clients you work with, as well as the types of products and services offered, allows you to develop a level of expertise within a subset of clients.


Succession and simplicity

The more unique or specialized an adviser's practice is, the less marketable it is to potential buyers.


3 ways volatility diminishes the value of your firm

The impact that market corrections can have on advisory firms' profits makes having the right strategy and doing an exceptional job of implementing it even more important.


Your clients will show you the way

One way we decide which new technologies to implement (or at least consider) is by asking our clients to provide detailed feedback on communications every other year.


Planning for beyond the new year

If you want to grow and improve, you've almost certainly got to change. But embracing change is one of the hardest things you can do.


A mass migration of advisers

Burnt out by the grind of running a small business, many firm principals are merging with other firms and creating national brands.


The evolution of the advising business

The industry is consolidating amid an explosion in mergers and acquisitions.


Meeting the expectations of tomorrow’s savvy clients

If you're trying to grow, you need to be prepared to dramatically upgrade your service, including providing a first-rate digital experience and a greater range of services.


New clients are the key to your practice’s value

Once the market hits another prolonged downturn, those advisers with no organic growth will see a precipitous decline in the values of their firms.


A plan for yourself is a plan for the future of your firm

The No. 1 reason given for the increase in advisory firm M&A is the desire to create a succession plan. Advisers nearing retirement should consider their alternatives.