
Steve Randall

Displaying 608 results


Most people overvalue their time, underestimate their retirement savings

Empower study reveals people’s perceptions are often way out.


Franklin Templeton wants to transform the industry through Microsoft AI partnership

The collab will use AI to power-up digital transformation at scale.


As home prices climb again, it’s cheaper to rent in the largest metros

Buying a home remains an aspiration but perhaps the time isn’t right?


Celebrity, charity, diversity: Insights from a ‘financial architect’

Angeles Wealth’s Rick Nott shares his career journey working with wealth.


Confidence of a better year surges among private equity execs

The industry is poised for a rise in deals and AI playing a larger role.


Younger Americans’ wealth growth has beaten historic norms  

Under 40s have seen wealth accumulation rise faster than other generations.


Despite the cost of living, Americans remain on top of their mortgages

Stats reveal that all stages of delinquency are around historic lows.


Women may gain from wealth transfer, but it won’t solve the big issues

Penny Finance report highlights ongoing challenges in gender wealth gap.

  • News
  • April 25, 2024

US investment firms have seen 9% rise in financial impact of fraud

LexisNexis report highlights increased risk as digital channels expand.


IRS wants to streamline tax disputes with new focus on alternative programs

Alternative Dispute Resolution Program Management Office formed.