
Trevor Hunnicutt

Trevor Hunnicutt looks at a lot of charts and reports on fund flows as a reporter covering asset management for financial advisers. But he’s not all fun and games. From time to time you might also find the seafood aficionado shucking oysters on the waterfront in Brooklyn.

Displaying 563 results


American Funds ready to double-down on active investing in 2015

Adviser-sold fund giant starts to see some flows after pressing view that active management, especially for retirement goals, works.


Wealthy investors loving U.S. stocks

The rare phenomenon of placid markets and a rising economy is fueling investors' confidence. But experts worry people are too bullish on stocks.


Wealthy investors loving U.S. stocks

Investors continue to see domestic stocks as the best thing going: Legg Mason survey.

  • ETFs
  • February 10, 2015

Active managers get a seat at the ETF table

To the chagrin of some, a fast-growing industry comes to terms with active management.


UBS renews push to increase advisers’ hedge fund use

The wirehouse plans tools to explain the risks and benefits of hedge fund strategies to advisers whose allocations have been low.

  • ETFs
  • February 9, 2015

After Bill Gross, Pimco Total Return performance is back at the top

Portfolio managers deliver strong performance with right central bank call, leading Morningstar to boost rating even as more investors pull assets.


BlackRock leads Vanguard as ETFs race toward a record year

Two giants remain in a tight race for buy-and-hold index investors' money as category total close to cracking the $2 trillion mark in a 'victory of vanilla' story.


State Street, facing historic redemptions, slashes ETF prices

The ETF pioneer, whose lineup suffered the largest redemptions in history last month, aggressively cut prices on nearly a third of its funds. (Don't miss the latest performance data and analysis on equity and fixed income ETFs.)


Pimco to fight fund lawsuit challenging Bill Gross pay

Investor says firm took lucrative payouts at the expense of shareholders.


Read the fine print before plunging into smart beta

They may look good at first, but some hot new indexes could turn out to be rotten apples