
Tim Steffen

Tim Steffen is director of advanced planning for Baird. Follow him on Twitter @TimSteffenCPA.

Displaying 27 results


Repeal of investment expense deduction may change advisers’ fee strategy

The change may not be that big a deal for many clients, but they need to understand their options.


Maximizing the tax benefits of mortgage interest, home equity loans

Understanding options with residential deductions is a great way to add value for clients.


Kiddie tax rules can catch both advisers and investors by surprise

The point of the kiddie tax is to avoid parents transferring income to their children and reducing their total tax cost.


Changing state residency: Tax planning headaches and opportunities

Residency rules can be very complicated, and states can be aggressive in taxing former residents.


How taxpayers hurt themselves with nondeductible IRA contributions

There's only one way to ensure you get the full tax benefit of those contributions.


Taxpayers only hurting themselves by not mentioning their nondeductible IRA contributions

There's only one way to ensure they get the full tax benefit of those contributions.


Potential tax impact of health care act repeal

It's likely that a replacement health care plan would have some tax impact, leading to new planning opportunities for financial advisers and their clients.


Help clients manage tax payments during the year

Tax projections at this time of year will tell individuals their total tax liability for 2016, but that doesn't necessarily mean it all has to be paid before the end of the year..


Tax traps await master limited partnership investors

Make sure your clients fully understand the tax implications and overall risk profile of what they're buying.


401(k) savings options come with tax consequences

Choosing between a traditional and Roth 401(k) is essentially a bet on how your clients' future income tax rates will compare to their current rate.