
Emerging Markets

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Greece’s latest problem is the IMF

Breakfast with Benjamin: The IMF is throwing a wrench into the Greek bailout works, setting off a political earthquake in Europe.


The toughest job in financial advice: Teaching economics to a presidential contender

Breakfast with Benjamin: Teaching economics to a presidential contender isn't easy. Unless the economic advisers agree with the preconceived views of the candidates, the relationship can be testy and useless.


Stocks in Europe, Asia might be just getting started

As everyone knows, asset prices generally love quantitative easing, and Europe and Japan both have engaged in massive asset purchases.


Financial advisers tell clients to shrug off the Greek vote

Any market pullback is seen as a buying opportunity.


Fund unloads China stocks but finds value in shares listed in Hong Kong, New York

Sydney-based money manager says average dual-listed company trades at half its price off the mainland.


China does everything wrong in efforts to reverse stock market slide

Breakfast with Benjamin: China gets low marks for how it's trying to save its equity markets by preventing the sale of stocks.


Greece offers prime example of how to get in front of clients to counteract scary headlines

Advisers should communicate proactively with clients to ease their fears and solidify the bond.


Banks are cutting broker-dealer units from their ‘living wills’

Breakfast with Benjamin: The nation's biggest banks, like JPMorgan Chase, are lumping their broker-dealer units in with other 'non-essential' operations.


China stock plunge reignites debate over when and whether U.S. investors should get in

Not having access to the market has been protecting mutual-fund investors from fast declines.


Short sales are stacking up and the bears are starting to show some teeth

Breakfast with Benjamin: The market bears are getting bolder as they start to come out from a long hibernation, which doesn't really bode well for the bulls.


Three-year-old ETF becomes only game in town for investors hoping to play Greece volatility

The Global X FTSE Greece 20 ETF listed in the U.S. is just about the only way for investors to play the crisis. Be warned, however, it's volatile.


Treasury ETF attracts big bucks as investors seek safety amid Greek crisis

ETF holds up better than other funds that own riskier, lower-rated debt, which had their worst monthly outflows ever.


Greeks vote ‘no’ and everybody loses

Breakfast with Benjamin: Greek voters opt for a collision course with the European Union over austerity. Go figure.


We’re grexhausted … leave the euro already

Greece isn't another Lehman Brothers. I am not worried about contagion as with subprime mortgages in 2007. I don't fear counterparty risk as with AIG.


Market reaction to Greece doesn’t signal end of bull market

Expect more volatility, but country isn't big enough to have lasting impact on eurozone


El-Erian sees 85% chance of Greek exit, putting him at high end of Wall Street expectations

Investors grow nervous ahead of July 5 snap-referendum on European aid plan.


Stock buybacks come under fire from politicians

Breakfast with Benjamin There's a rising backlash for record-level stock-buyback programs, as Sen. Elizabeth Warren issues charges of 'stock manipulation.'


Crazy as it might sound, the new all-in bet is going long on Greek stocks

Breakfast with Benjamin: If you've got a really strong stomach, the time looks ripe to buy the fear and jump into Greek equities.


Greek capital controls send ripples across global financial markets

Breakfast with Benjamin: Greece locks down its banks in a desperate attempt to prevent a public panic.


Bill Gross tweets and technical analysts get all giddy

Breakfast with Benjamin: The bond manager tweets out a nerdy note that only technical analysts understand, but the translation is both bearish and fun.