
Emerging Markets

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The whole world stinks — except for Canada: David Rosenberg

Economist says euro a goner, while U.S. facing a fiscal cliff; grass always 'browner'


Financial advisers are eyeing the next investment frontier

As emerging markets increasingly move in lock step with developed markets, some financial advisers are considering putting their…


Investors see foreign junk as slam-dunk

Pouring funds into global high-yield ETFs; return up more than 10% in the first quarter


Remarkable returns, low volatility? You’ll be surprised where

Africa Composite Index generated 17% annual return over past decade, with fewer market gyrations than U.S.; the next Asia?


Barton Biggs, famed market predictor, dead at 79

Morgan Stanley money manager took world view of stocks; several unfashionable calls were spot on


Why Merrill is overweighting corporate credit

The following is excerpted from a report by the Chief Investment Officer Team for Merrill Lynch Wealth…


China’s ghost towns should scare investors: BlackRock

Asset manager sees bumpy road ahead, as the PRC's building bubble finally bursts; materials companies will be hardest hit


‘Mother of all bubbles’ will pop China stocks: GMO

Marquee money management firm says the big country is headed for big trouble


BlackRock sees bumpy road for China

China faces increasing challenges in maintaining its above-average growth rates, according to a BlackRock Inc. report. “China's…


Middle Kingdom central to balanced portfolio: Malkiel

Princeton professor warns investors not to give short shrift to the big country; China growth rate 'most incredible' ever


Taming emerging-markets funds

Mutual funds that invest in emerging markets are infamous for their volatility, taking investors on roller-coaster rides that…


‘Buy American’ not the hottest investment strategy: Franklin PM

Home country bias may be comforting, but it will make you poorer, says Rostom


Scrutinize emerging-markets funds

The growing middle class in many developing countries has made them an attractive place to invest. But most…


Goldman: BRICs are hitting the wall

In the past decade, mutual funds poured almost $70 billion into Brazil, Russia, India and China, stocks more…


Greece moves toward second bailout as default spooks Europe

European governments moved toward a second rescue of Greece, calculating that the 130 billion-euro ($172 billion) cost of a fresh bailout is a price worth paying to prevent a default that could shatter the euro area.


‘Hitch your wagon to foreign demand’: SMU’s Cox

Service companies should make out best in the next decade, professor of finance says


How much emerging-market exposure should your clients have?

A growing number of individual investors are seeking returns from emerging markets, with China and the Brazil at the top of the list.


U.S. value buyers find gold in Europe’s battered equities

Like bargain-hunting American tourists in the early 1950s, many U.S. investors are flocking to battered European equities markets,…


Pioneer ready to fight for inflows

Pioneer Investments is bolstering its emerging-markets lineup and adding wholesalers as it fights for inflows


Separately managed accounts: What drove the 4Q markets

4Q Commentary by Nathan Behan DOMESTIC EQUITY After a truly dismal third quarter, the domestic equity markets…