
Emerging Markets

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Purging of emerging market stocks halts, shares hit two-month high

Possible solution to Greek drama reigniting interest in cross-border bets


Dublin down: Buy a bond, get a green card

Ireland looking to lure investors by issuing debt that comes with a visa; 'international charm offensive'


The emerging market: Benchmark bear hug

Many wealth managers are investing in emerging markets via products that track market capitalization weighted broad benchmarks, including the MSCI Emerging Markets (EM) Index.


Emerging markets re-emerging as good bets

Just don't go overboard, say T. Rowe Price specialists


Famed investor Platt wouldn’t touch this asset class ‘with a barge pole’

Hedgie says European banks' assets a disaster; Greek fate awaits all countries on the continent


Looking for stable bets in overseas markets? First, check the rainfall totals

New research shows that too little rain -- or way too much -- leads to social unrest; irrigation doesn't help


Africa pure plays emerging for retail audience

Africa is emerging as the last great investment frontier, described by the press as a “gold rush” and…


Bank panic about to grip Europe: Kyle Bass

Hedge fund manager expects run on financial institutions in Spain, Greece and Italy; Latvia was coming attractions


Bill Gross: Euroland’s ‘dysfunctional’ family feud

A 12-year-old coffee mug has a permanent place on the right corner of my office desk. Given to me by an Allianz executive to commemorate PIMCO's marriage in 1999, it reads: “You can always tell a German but you can't tell him much.”


Goldman, Templeton BRIC funds slammed in commodities selloff

Emerging-markets funds managed by Goldman Sachs Group Inc. and Franklin Resources Inc. were among the U.S.-registered mutual funds that fell the most in last week's commodities selloff.


BRIC corporate debt a solid investment: Pimco

'Rising stars' in developing nations should stay ahead of inflation by passing price hikes on to consumers


Forget Europe, this is the global economy’s elephant in the room

Anytime you have to redraw or resize a chart to accommodate one piece of data – a severe outlier, if you will – you have to talk about it. Or in this case: Point to the real elephant in the room.


Morgan Stanley sees boom in emerging-markets stocks

Emerging-markets stocks may rise 39% by the end of next year, spurred by a “soft landing” for China's economy, earnings growth and cheap valuations, according to Morgan Stanley


Emerging markets submerge in worst year since 2008

Bellwether MSCI index down 20% on the year; Asia poised for modest rebound


Occidental tourists get another shot at Matthews Asia funds

Firm reopens five-star funds, giving closed-out investors a chance to buy in at lower prices


U.S. markets seen in limbo amid Europe crisis

Although U.S. equity markets showed approval Friday for the latest efforts by European leaders to shore up financial…


Jeremy Grantham: What to buy

For those with a long horizon, I am sure well-managed forestry and farmland will outperform the average of all global assets.


Crisis in Europe no ’cause for alarm’: Mark Mobius

Emerging market guru says woes on continent won't drag world into recession; 'don't see a let-up in demand'


Pimco’s go-anywhere fund going nowhere

Unconstrained debt fund down 1.8% this year; missed bond rally back home


Emerging-markets investors are becoming more cautious

Financial advisers in recent years have piled into emerging markets for the superior growth and the diversification benefits.