


ESG has DOL’s blessing. Here’s what can happen next in 401(k)s

Target-date funds that are sustainable or responsible are fair game now for retirement plans, but there aren't many of them.


Opaque business models cloud women’s way in advisory business

It's up to the industry to explain to potential recruits how advisors make a living.


Alexandra Lebenthal, third-generation Wall Streeter, invests in first-generation women business owners

Steeped in finance, Lebenthal turns her considerable influence to accelerate growth for women-led businesses.


Overlooked and underestimated, Asian women are more than ready to advance in the advisory industry

Asian women want and deserve more opportunities to prove their worth as experts, leaders and rainmakers.


Rising interest rates make cash management fun again

Financial advisers are adding value by finding higher yields for clients' cash balances.


Step-up in mortgage rates has advisers rethinking retirement strategies

Financial advisers are fielding calls from clients wondering what, if anything, they should be doing with their home loans now that 30-year fixed mortgages have pierced 6%.


Women now integrate inflation into intuitive risk assessments

In the wake of the economic and social upheaval of the past two years, more factors play into women's assessments of risk


Divorce and retirement: It’s a matter of trust

It's in your best interest to have a collaborative team that's working together, as well as someone who knows the divorce laws in your state and someone who knows finance.


Guiding pre-retirees through the emotional transition to retirement

Carson Wealth's Jason Juhl is tapping his retired clients to mentor those clients moving toward the 'next chapter.'


Latest crop of diversity programs hope to create wider, more welcoming points of entry

Goals include dismantling barriers and creating new ways to reach and invite women and minorities.


Market downturn shines new light on pros and cons of stock options

In the wake of the 12-year bull market, some financial planners and clients are getting their first look at the flip side of equity compensation.


Latest strategies for attracting Black college students to advisory careers take long view

Firms are investing in HBCUs and beyond, then creating a spectrum of entry points to financial industry careers.


Why finfluencers especially resonate with women and minorities

Style often trumps substance for personal finance commentators on social media platforms, though some are blending the best of digital and traditional advice


Finra sets big change in motion with new option for licensing grace period

The new Maintaining Qualifications Program reconciles Finra licensing requirements with common career and family timelines.


Helping suddenly rich clients stay that way

Morgan Stanley's private wealth management trains advisers to guide their clients through the peaks and valleys of first-generation wealth.


Advice-only fees gain traction as advisers opt out of managing client portfolios

Asset-based pricing still dominates in wealth management, but the trend is moving away from charging clients based on portfolio size.


Inside iCapital’s $497 million in fresh funding

The alternative investment provider increased assets on the platform to more than $104 billion last year. The secret could be its ability to combine multiple high-net-worth investors into a single private placement.


Biden’s tough tax talk fuels record M&A activity

The threat of higher taxes in 2022 is giving RIAs another reason to make a deal before year-end, while the lingering Covid-19 pandemic is forcing financial advisers to focus on succession planning.


Adviser recruiting stays cold while breakaway RIAs heat up

The prevailing trend of advisers going independent has only gathered steam, according to third-quarter Advisers on the Move data.


2021 has been a good year for CEO pay at RIAs

The industry saw another year of growth, according to an InvestmentNews study, but compensation for most positions has shown little growth.