
Selfless advisers deserve recognition

When InvestmentNews last year decided to partner with the Invest in Others Charitable Foundation Inc. and the Community Leadership Awards program, it is safe to say we really didn't know what we were getting involved with.

When InvestmentNews last year decided to partner with the Invest in Others Charitable Foundation Inc. and the Community Leadership Awards program, it is safe to say we really didn’t know what we were getting involved with.

Working closely with that foundation was both a rewarding and an eye-opening experience. It allowed me to see how selfless so many people in the financial advisory industry truly are and how these individuals give of themselves without seeking anything in return.

To that point, many of the individuals and teams nominated for the various leadership awards did not even know their community involvement was being submitted for consideration. When the InvestmentNews staff contacted many of the candidates for further details, they often asked: “How did you get my name?” or, “How did you find out about my charity work?”

It was obvious that they were not in it for a pat on the back or to be in the spotlight.

For the second year, InvestmentNews and the Invest in Others Charitable Foundation will be accepting nominations for the Community Leadership Awards.

If you know a financial adviser who has dedicated his or her time and energy to improving the community and to making a difference in the lives of others, we want to know about it. By submitting a worthy candidate, you will be assisting us by sharing the stories of advisers who have made a commitment to making a difference. For the record, anyone can nominate an adviser.

We received more than 500 entries last year, and I read hundreds of those amazing stories. To say it was a difficult task to eliminate any entry would be an understatement. The charity work done by the nominated advisers went beyond merely making financial contributions. Their involvement in the community was about hard work and dedication.

Investing in one’s community is a great way to give back to those who have helped support one’s business, and from the hundreds of applications we received last year, it is clear that advisers are a big part of volunteerism.

I had the distinct pleasure of speaking with many of the finalists last year at the awards dinner, which was attended by about 350 people, and it was evident that they really enjoyed the intangible benefit of giving.

“Volunteering and caring for people is caught and not taught,” one finalist said last year.

This year, the awards program recognizes advisers from any broker-dealer for their roles as leaders and active volunteers in their communities. We are honoring the hard work of financial advisers in four categories: volunteer team award, mentoring excellence award, volunteer-of-the-year award and community leadership award.

Finalists will be honored at an awards dinner in New York on Sept. 9. Three finalists will be chosen for each category, and the winners for each category will be announced at the dinner. The Invest in Others Charitable Foundation, with a contribution from LPL Financial Corp. of Boston, will make a donation of $10,000 to each category award winner’s charity. What’s more, a $500 donation will be made to each of the finalists’ charities. The deadline for nominations is June 20.

My experience with the foundation taught me how essential it is to support charities that make a difference to your local and national community. You might be surprised at the benefits you reap.

For more information about the awards and to nominate an adviser, visit:

Jim Pavia is the editor of InvestmentNews.

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