
Welcome to the wider world of <i>InvestmentNews</i>

Whenever I attend industry events, advisers often stop to tell me how much they enjoy InvestmentNews — our print edition, the website, our daily alerts, webcasts and monthly e-newsletters.

Whenever I attend industry events, advisers often stop to tell me how much they enjoy InvestmentNews — our print edition, the website, our daily alerts, webcasts and monthly e-newsletters.

As the editor in charge of a team of 24 professionals, that is especially gratifying. All of us at InvestmentNews strive to give you whatever you need in the way of news, information, insight and data as quickly as possible, no matter the delivery channel.

Of course, to deliver that content when you want it, in the way you want it and where you want it, our business — publishing and media — is in the midst of an unprecedented revolution.

So let me tell you about some of the content we provide with which you may not be familiar, as well as give you an update on some of the changes that are coming to InvestmentNews in the near future.

In addition to our weekly newspaper (I say this because some of our online readers aren’t aware we publish a print edition), our website boasts relevant and timely news content throughout the day. In addition, there’s the Retirement Center, the ETF Center, Top RIA Rankings, IN Community and Market Tools, to name just a few.

The website also features weekly columns you’ll find only online: INPractice, OpINion On-line, INRetirement, IN: TECHbits and Tax Insight.

Every Monday, we feature Jeff Benjamin’s Investment Insights column, a look at strategies to help you wade through Wall Street’s murk.

And, through our ex-clusive arrangement with Consuelo Mack’s WealthTrack, there are video clips that provide insights from some of the industry top investment experts.

Whether in print or online, our mission and bedrock principles remain the same — to present news and information that’s fair, reliable, consistent and useful. And because the online world offers so many new presentation, delivery and packaging opportunities, there are many new ways for us to carry out our mission.

To help us do that, in the next few months we will be unveiling a redesign of

The product of months of re-search and analysis — and, of course, extensive work by a team of web designers — the revised site is worth the wait. It will organize the wealth of content that we provide in a way that’s more rational and intuitive, using visual cues that are clean, straightforward and simple. I think you’ll find it familiar, yet better, and a lot easier to navigate.

In the meantime, readers who receive my e-mail blasts are well aware of our alternative content, namely our many e-newsletters and informative webcasts. More of these are coming, too.

We send subscribers a range of e-newsletters: the weekly Issue Alert, the monthly Regulatory Alert and the regular InTech Alert, Retirement Insight Alert and ETF Insights Alert, as well as our daily newsletter.

And just to make sure we remain busy, the InvestmentNews team also will conduct 26 webcasts before the end of the year. These interactive events have proven to be a big hit, averaging about 800 viewers per webcast. In fact our latest webcast, “Using Social Media to Market Your Practice,” attracted 1,250 participants.

To register for our next webcast, “Mid-Year Outlook,” which will take place Tuesday at 4 p.m. ET and -feature three outstanding experts, just go to midyearoutlook.

If you want to reach out to other InvestmentNews readers, join our adviser-only group on LinkedIn. We use this social-networking tool to provide an unfettered forum for advisers to share their concerns and ideas. Join by going to the search box at the upper-right-hand corner of the LinkedIn home page and hitting the drop-down menu. Select “Search Groups” and type in InvestmentNews. Once our name pops up, you have the option to “join group.”

Finally, today we unveil “From the Headhunter,” a blog by veteran recruiter Danny Sarch. We’ll be adding more blogs in the weeks ahead. We have signed on some industry experts to share their opinions and observations. Feel free to challenge them and offer your opinion.

As you can see, a lot is going on at InvestmentNews and more is on the way. As always, we encourage your feedback to let us know what’s working and what you would like to see improved.

Whether you reach out to us through print, online or any other medium, it’s your voice that counts.

Jim Pavia is the editor of InvestmentNews.

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