

The Editorial Board presents views and opinions on key issues facing the financial advice industry.

Displaying 913 results


Firms on the hook for hiring bad brokers

Sweep reminds broker-dealers they're going to be held accountable for hiring brokers who prove not fit to work in the industry.


Weeding out rogue brokers

If the industry was really serious about getting rid of rogue brokers, it would do more both individually and through Finra.


Make clients aware of filial laws that could wreak havoc on the financial security of millions

Encourage clients to think ahead about how much financial responsibility they're willing to assume for their aging parents.


Raymond James’ $17M fine over anti-money-laundering failures should be a wake-up call

In the wake of Raymond James' $17M fine, it's time advisers take regulators' focus on this issue seriously, as rules are only going to get stricter.


Advisers’ role in retiree health care

What’s the single biggest expense that your clients will face once they’ve retired? Housing? Recreation? How…


Steering clear of estate food fights

When Father Time catches up to clients, it's hard to tell the exact moment when one may be most vulnerable to abuse.


College debt is a burden to all

Advisers can help parents and students minimize the amount of debt that will follow them long after graduation day.


Shedding early light on President Barack Obama’s economic legacy

The long-term effects of the decisions made will shed light on the effectiveness of this period of economic history


Keep your eye on the Puerto Rico bond saga

Advisers must regularly monitor investments, even apparently safe mutual funds, to make sure they are not taking on increased risk.


The perils of investment crowdfunding

While investment crowdfunding is a trendy way to raise funds for companies, advisers should inform clients of the caveats


Bright side of the new DOL fiduciary rule: Tech and efficiency

The rule is likely to unleash a wave of software upgrades and business relationships that will result in greater efficiencies for advisory firms.


Clients still need Social Security advice

File and suspend's elimination doesn't mean advisers should put Social Security planning on the shelf.


Why independent broker-dealers are in survival mode

InvestmentNews senior columnist Bruce Kelly talks about the challenges facing indie B-Ds and what many firms are doing to survive.


A technology response to the DOL fiduciary rule

To face the changing regulatory season squarely, it's time for some technological spring cleaning


Chinese acquisition of AssetMark raises questions

The Chinese are coming! The Chinese are coming! They’re coming to the U.S. investment advice market, as reported…


Is securitizing health care loans a workable solution for accessing high-cost medical treatments?

As an investment, this is an idea that adopts the same general form as mortgage-backed securities.


A DOL fiduciary rule everyone can live with

Final version includes a number of changes that address the most serious concerns of those who most vehemently criticized it.


Bringing REIT commissions to light

It's one thing to charge an investor a high commission, but it's another to hide it and not be transparent about your charges.


Number of mutual fund share classes boggles the mind

Meanwhile, the industry's biggest threat, ETFs, are chugging along offering a single-version product to all investors.


The road to retirement just got rockier

Advisers have a vital role in helping long-term care insurance holders decide whether the policies are worth the cost.