

The Editorial Board presents views and opinions on key issues facing the financial advice industry.

Displaying 913 results


The ‘AUM illusion’ and organic growth

Having more people know what you can do for them rather than what they can do for you could be a route to growth that suits many advisors.


The resilience of independent broker-dealers

While the RIA channel is on the ascendant and the advisor population is not growing fast enough to meet demand, don’t count out independent broker-dealers.


Wirehouses feeling the chill of autumn in the air

The giant firms face an approaching winter as they become less prominent in the overall advisory business.


Tax insights your CPA never told you

Here are three tax insights you can pass on to your clients when you've exhausted all the customary ones.


A different kind of financial literacy

An advisor’s plain-language explanation of financial system intricacies can help allay fears, keep emotions under control and inform better decision-making.


Advisors already know SVB’s lesson

The truth — which long-time advisors know all too well — is that prudent risk management is rarely a crowd-pleaser before a crisis hits.


The undiminished lure of RIA firms

Registered investment advisory firms provide a service that customers understand, demand and are willing to pay a good price for, in good times and bad.


The ’secret’ of advisor job security

As long as wealth management firms can continue to attract and retain knowledgeable and empathetic individuals, financial advisors should always have a job.


Whose clients are they, anyway?

Perhaps the reality is that neither firms nor advisors truly 'own' clients but rather are lessees of clients.


Questioning the SEC’s outsourcing proposal

For advisors who don’t do their homework, the possibility of a regulatory slap on the wrist may be less of a deterrent than a whack in the wallet from aggressive attorneys.


Two cheers for the SECURE 2.0 Act

Digesting everything in the new law will take some time as financial advisors will have plenty of interpreting and educating to do.


Had a bad year? It could’ve been worse

2022 was marked by soaring inflation and a sinking stock market, but it had some redeeming features, including the fact that increasingly fee-based revenues make it easier for advisory firms to weather such storms.


As FTX burns, advisers keep their cool

Given advisers' questioning of the practical merits of cryptocurrency, it's no wonder so many encouraged their clients to steer clear of crypto as an investment.


5 things advisers should be thankful for in 2022

When someone needs guidance for the future, nothing beats a live financial adviser, and advisers should be grateful the public recognizes that.


What women clients want

A recent study suggests the wealth management industry left $14 billion of potential revenue on the table last year by failing to tailor its products and services to women.


Independent advisers are not gig workers

Let’s hope that by skillful lobbying, thoughtful consideration or through sheer dumb luck, financial advisers can stay independent.


The ‘best’ way to pay for advice

An adviser who’s honest and transparent about compensation, regardless of the model, is bound to engender the trust that advice seekers want most of all.


A time for difficult conversations

It may be time for advisers to talk to clients about reducing spending and either continuing or returning to work.


Tax ‘advice’ more important than ever

Advisers who help business-owner clients steer clear of possible tax traps in coming years will be performing a service unlikely to be forgotten.


New regulations for the new reality

Finra has proposed a pilot program for firms that want to continue remote inspections, in line with the seemingly permanent use of remote work.