

The Editorial Board presents views and opinions on key issues facing the financial advice industry.

Displaying 913 results


MetLife’s challenge a plus, win or lose

Win or lose, Met-Life’s decision to challenge its designation as a systemically import- ant financial institution by the…


Persuading clients to defer enough salary

Key is to be realistic when trying to get clients to save more for retirement.


A chance to help one of your brothers

Adviser John Hyland dedicated himself to raising funds for acute myeloid leukemia after his aunt died from it. Now he needs your help to battle it himself.


Buy on bad news

Current slump in oil might mean clients with long-term horizons could consider adding the oil sector to their portfolios.


It’s time for transparency at the CFP Board

Should be a transparent protocol for planners to follow when they disagree with the board's judgments.


The RIA exam equation

Imagine getting a $150 million windfall and complaining it’s not enough. That is exactly what an official…


Last-minute legislating is reckless

Advisers have reason to want a change in how congressional decisions affecting their businesses and clients' finances are made.


Advisers must help clients decide how HSAs fit in their plans

Clients need more knowledge about health savings accounts and their potential role in helping fund health and retirement needs.


If client tests positive, the next step is yours

A new blood test being developed to identify the likely onset of Alzheimer’s disease up to a decade…


Mixing tax time and the holidays

Financial advisers should be urging their higher-income clients to come in for tax planning sessions.


Be prepared for coming Alzheimer’s crisis

As stewards of clients' financial hopes and dreams, advisers must learn to recognize signs of Alzheimer's and formulate policies and procedures for dealing with clients who have trouble remembering and reasoning.


It’s time for real industry action on diversity

Recruiting more minorities into the advice industry is the right thing to do from a moral standpoint, but it's also good for business.


Client protection ruse needs to stop

Advisers should demand that industry organizations speaking for them don't let greed overshadow their true mission to help people live sound financial lives.


Adviser as the ultimate active manager

It’s not breaking news that, for the most part, index funds continue to outperform actively managed funds. When…


Robos need to get on the ball

The article in InvestmentNews last week, “Robo-advisers say they aren’t worried about Schwab,” certainly was curious. One of…


Brokerage firms and mutual fund companies need better training for complex products

Companies must heed the gentle warnings being given to them by Finra and the SEC on complex investments.


Getting a fair shake in arbitration

A well-educated arbitrator will be better able to see phony arguments from both sides in a dispute.


Time to move quickly to aid the impaired

Dementia, Alzheimer's puts advisers in a bind when they try to intervene on behalf of impaired clients


Big glitches go beyond the numbers

$23M issues at ARCP, LPL show breakneck paces of growth can lead to cracks in the corporate façade.


BrokerCheck needs a marketing effort

It's time for Finra to get serious about making sure investors know BrokerCheck exists.