

The Editorial Board presents views and opinions on key issues facing the financial advice industry.

Displaying 913 results


Using an IRA like a bank is risky

Tapping accounts for short-term financing can be costly if funds aren't replaced within 60 days


Failure to launch hurts all of us

The impact of thie rising tide of student debt is widespread, increasing the need for sound financial advice.


The big benefits decision

Helping clients determine when to begin collecting their hard-earned Social Security benefits is always tricky. Having worked a…


Bankruptcy’s lessons for advisers

Bankruptcy offers advisers a chance to transform a crisis into an opportunity — not just to clear their financial slate, but to better relate to clients' struggles with money.


Best is yet to come with 40 Under 40

The excitement and energy in the room was not only palpable but contagious. I'm talking about the…


Questions on third-party RIA audits

SEC Commissioner Daniel Gallagher's proposal that RIAs be required to hire third-party examiners to audit their operations shouldn't be rushed.


Deeper broker background checks are necessary

Implementing a rule that would require mandatory background checks on new brokers could help uncover crucial information


What clients want: Transparency

Financial professionals must find better ways to let clients know why they charge what they do in fees, and why they're worth it.


Finra right to watch indexed annuities

While there is no evidence yet that broker-dealers are taking advantage of investors, the potential for harm remains.


Too much of a good thing

Don't get too caught up in the good times while nontraded REITs are extremely lucrative and lose sight of proper client allocations.


Don’t let Gen Xers push you around

Their fear of being "taken" makes them prone to trying to usurp your job as the professional


Industry group blasts editorial about nontraded REITs

Plus, another editorial on requiring broker background checks raises new questions.


A report that just gets more special

Another year, another Top Independent Broker-Dealers report. Now in its 13th year, this is one of those…


Practice makes perfect when it comes to retirement

T. Rowe Price's Christine Fahlund puts theories to test.


Embrace, don’t fear, the ‘robo-adviser’

Although the term “robo-adviser” immediately conjures images of Arnold Schwarzenegger (think Terminator, not governor), the truth is that robo-advisers are more likely to be an adviser's friend than foe.


Regulators need to put record keepers in their cross hairs

Brokers and investment advisers aren't the only ones who should take the heat for rollover activity


Finally, some social-media ground rules

The SEC's move to define customer review ground rules is good but raises important and difficult questions.


Don’t let high-frequency trading fear overtake clients

Michael Lewis might have done investors a favor in the long run — but hurt them in the…


SEC turns gaze to municipals

Scrutiny is welcome as muni bonds have long been a choice vehicle for tax-free income.


Recoupment of trainee fees impairs industry’s growth

Brokerage firms that pursue reimbursement of training costs from employees who leave are out of step with today's workforce