

The Editorial Board presents views and opinions on key issues facing the financial advice industry.

Displaying 913 results


Can Finra serve investors and the industry?

Is it possible to serve two masters? The Financial Industry Regulatory Authority Inc. would do well to keep…


We’re all vulnerable to cyberbreaches

The Target cybersecurity breach that exposed information on millions of consumers to hackers, and a reported breach at…


DOL and SEC: Don’t be intimidated

Time for both agencies to stop dilly-dallying on fiduciary standard.


<b>Mary Beth Franklin:</b> Making tough decisions to fix Social Security

With gridlock in Washington, a new policy simulation tool lets citizens design a package of reforms.


Don’t monkey around with IRAs

The tax reform proposal put forward by Rep. Dave Camp, departing chairman of the House Ways and Means…


The Bond King, Pimco and advisers

Advisers should continue to monitor the situation at Pimco closely, explore other options for assets that are housed at the company and keep an open mind.


Giving advisers a better read

If there’s one thing I know to be true about InvestmentNews, it’s this: We are not afraid to…


Finra playing its CARDS right

In backing down on plans to collect the names, addresses and tax IDs of brokerage account holders, Finra…


Finra diversity event closed to the press

Iwould like to point your attention to another “proud editor” moment that occurred last week in our newsroom.


Corporate First Amendment rights belong to the shareholders

If, as the Supreme Court of the United States says, a corporation has the First Amendment rights of…


Where there’s a will, a much easier way

Once again, a celebrity has died and his will has been found wanting. That’s a shame for his…


Let the sunlight shine on fee disclosure

There is a reason why the phrase “sunlight is the best disinfectant” has become a cliché. Originally penned…


IN begins search for 40 under 40

InvestmentNews is beginning its search for the best and brightest among the advice industry's up-and-comers.


Advisers must act as 401(k) watchdogs

As stewards of their clients' financial security, investment advisers and planners must keep a vigilant eye on companies altering their 401(k) plans in ways that hamper clients' ability to save for retirement properly.


Hard work undone by election year politics

The departure of Sen. Max Baucus as Senate Finance Committee chairman has set back efforts to achieve comprehensive tax reform.


A thaw in Washington?

Any hope that Congress is putting partisan squabbles aside to move the country forward on important issues needs to be confirmed with solid proof.


Finra comes in from out of the cold

The snowstorm that walloped most of the East Coast last week did not deter Finra's board from meeting in New York and moving on important investor issues.


Time for a gut check on risk tolerance

C'mon, financial planners and investment advisers, duty calls. With the stock and bond markets both showing signs of…


Brokers’ job to explain nontraded REITs

Finra last week took welcome steps to shed much-needed light on nontraded REITs. But, quite frankly, the changes…


A whirlwind week of conferences

I definitely earned my frequent flyer miles last week. On Monday, I made my way down to our…