

The Editorial Board presents views and opinions on key issues facing the financial advice industry.

Displaying 913 results


Did January set the tone for 2014?

2014 is likely to be bumpier than 2013, with clients likely to need more hand-holding from advisers, meaning it isn't too early to begin.


You can ease income inequality

President Obama made halting the growth of income inequality a key part of his State of the Union message, and while financial planners and advisers can do little to fix the drivers of the problem, they can take steps to ameliorate its effects at the margin.


Doing complex Medicare and tax bracket math

Just as advisers have to become experts in learning the best Social Security claiming strategies, they need to learn how Medicare and tax rules could affect their clients' bottom line in retirement.


Health care knowledge boosts your value

According to a Kaiser Family Foundation survey published last month, 51% of those polled said they don’t have…


Be a fiduciary: Plan your succession

Succession planning is like getting a generator for when the power goes out. You know you should have…


Have the courage to talk about LTC

It's a tough discussion that's not going away. It's only going to get tougher.


Nicholas Schorsch: bigger than life, and not finished yet

Despite an acquisition spree, REIT czar Nicholas Schorsch insists that his goal is not to get bigger — it's to get better.


SEC must step up, whatever its funding

The Securities and Exchange Commission was dealt a significant blow last week when the House and Senate approved…


Praise the news gods

You gotta love a newsroom. On Wednesday evening, Bob Hordt, one of my deputy editors, and I were…


Be smart about "smart money"

They don’t label the “smart money” as such for nothing. As a group, that class of investor includes…


Finra going after rogue brokers

In its annual letter to broker-dealers listing its examination priorities, Finra included many areas on which it has…


SEC maintains hard line on conflicts

The SEC last Thursday released its examination priorities for 2014. The list no doubt is intended to provide…


Stock buybacks a warning signal

Companies in the U.S. have been criticized for using corporate money to repurchase shares rather than for growth…


Fed lessons for Janet Yellen

The Federal Reserve System celebrated its 100th anniversary Dec. 23, and as it begins its second century, it…


Bill to fund exams should get full hearing

It isn't often that a piece of legislation that could potentially raise costs to investors is a good…


Advisers need to boost knowledge of Social Security

How much do you know about Social Security? Not just the basics, but how much do you really…


Financial advice for all is a costly endeavor

Nobel laureate Robert J. Shiller takes financial advisers seriously. In fact, he believes they are so important to…


Duty on company stock needs clarity

Financial advisers should applaud the Labor Department’s decision to seek a Supreme Court ruling on the fiduciary duty…


Mapping out next year’s game plan

This year has been great for stocks — far better than most investment gurus predicted. In fact, if the S&P 500 finishes the year about where it's been recently, it could be among the top 15 years for performance since 1928. So what will 2014 bring? Time to talk with your clients.


Consider climate change and the forecast for commodities

The topic of climate change has generated intense interest and debate in circles from academia to Hollywood to…