

The Editorial Board presents views and opinions on key issues facing the financial advice industry.

Displaying 913 results


A plan to rein in spending is needed

Financial advisers can cheer on behalf of some of their clients — individuals with annual income below $400,000 and couples below $450,000 — but they shouldn't cheer too loudly or too long.


Not home for Christmas: Obama, Congress should spend holiday together

Parties need to solve fiscal cliff dilemma before leaving town.


Pavia: Industry should create a single standard for investment advice

The back-and-forth touched off by NAPFA's announcement last Tuesday to go all-CFP next year highlights the fact that after decades of discussion and debate, the financial advisory business is still struggling to define itself.


Tax decisions must be weighed carefully

Warren E. Buffett may be a great investor, but, judging by his Nov. 25 Op-Ed in The New…


SEC too important to keep in limbo

Although President Obama's appointment of Elisse Walter as chairman of the SEC will provide a degree of continuity at the agency, it also raises questions about how effective it will be for the near future.


Millions could be left in dark over AMT

Taxpayers probably won't have a clear idea of their 2012 tax obligations until the last minute this year — and possibly not even then.


More transparency needed at CFP Board

If the CFP Board wants to meet its mission and not suffer a lingering stain on its reputation, it must come clean about the Alan Goldfarb drama.


Keep clients’ powder dry for now

The election clarified some issues for advisers and their clients but left dark clouds of uncertainty hovering over major financial and economic concerns.


Make use of your precious right to vote

Voting is a basic right of all Americans. The importance of this right cannot be overstated, yet every election year, we hear and read reports of low voter turnout.


Time to end regulatory dillydallying

Uncertainty about the future weight of regulations making their way through the bureaucratic maze in Washington is harming the banks, their clients in corporate America and economic growth.


SEC must hedge bets on advertising

The agency should go back to the drawing board to come up with a plan that has safeguards in it to minimize the very real dangers facing the investing public.


Investors’ covert ops often end in defeat

Enticing individual investors to trade on their own is a dangerous game, especially in this complex and convoluted marketplace.


Time to brace for new money fund rules

Financial advisers should begin preparing their clients for changes in the money market fund industry being pushed by Treasury Secretary Timothy Geithner.


Finra is right to improve transparency

Any initiative that reduces investors' vulnerability to fraud, and thereby strengthens their confidence in the markets, is a step in the right direction.


Bone up—for your clients’ financial health

Now that the Supreme Court has upheld the constitutionality of the health care reform law, advisers need to study it thoroughly.


Hold members of Congress accountable

It is deplorable that the serious economic issues that the country faces won't be addressed between now and the Nov. 6 election.


Time to promote BrokerCheck

NOW THAT FINRA HAS TAKEN the wraps off a new and improved version of its BrokerCheck database, it…


Facing the fiscal cliff without a plan

The 2012 presidential and congressional elections are just seven weeks away, and neither presidential candidate has offered a realistic proposal to reduce the rate of growth of the country's debt.


Taxing task: Preparing for the unknown

As summer winds down and the presidential election looms, financial advisers' thoughts must turn to 2013 tax investment planning for their clients.


SEC’s task for advisers: Tending to the hedges

The SEC has called on advisers to become more familiar with hedge funds and learn how to keep on top of that constantly changing universe.